"A New Challenge" compiled from events in the Golden Unicorn Tavern written by Richard Ryley ---------- [This tale follows the Ravenloft tale written by Micheal Hourshad. If you haven't read it yet, look for RAVENLFT.TXT] In the aftermath of the battle with Strahd, the Tavern strode the gap between that shadowy universe and Phantasia. Flashing back and forth, between the two worlds, the flickering light from outside bathed those standing around in the Tavern. There was a flicker of energy from the doors. They swung open, and a brilliant flash of light discharged a single figure into the Tavern. A lady elf, a warrior, in a skin-tight blue outfit, tumbled across the floor, landing in a heap. "P'lair???" Brandon rushed forward, leaning over to help the lady up. "What happened?" "I don't know." P'lair looked back at the door, and the flickering light from outside. "I'd heard that the Tavern had vanished, and came to check it out. When I got here, I saw the Tavern appear, in Phantasia. I tried to go inside, but..." She grimaced, rubbing her arm. "Something grabbed me as I opened the door, and knocked me across the room..." Brandon glanced at Malfread. The time traveler had one of his gadgets in his hand again, and was studying it. "We seem to have come unstuck..." he said. "The Tavern's not in Ravenloft, but it's not in Phantasia, either." Brandon nodded. "The next person to come through that door could get hurt. Can you stop this?" The wizard reached under his cloak, pulling a small device from his belt. It was a small thing, a box, with a large crystal set into one end. He tossed it to Brandon, then pulled out a second, and handed it to P'lair. "Put that one over at the door," he said, to Brandon, "and point it toward the center of the room." He then pointed toward the back corner of the Tavern, as he looked at P'lair. "And put that one down in that corner, just like Brandon's doing." He leaned over the device, to point something out to the elf. "And press this button..." He then pulled a third device out of his cloak, and walked over to the other corner, setting the device down at the third point of a triangle. He activated it, and a circular, golden portal appeared at the center of the room. An eerie whine filled the room, as the gate swirled with energy, becoming distorted at the edges, where it interacted with the Tavern around it. P'lair activated the device at her corner, and then Brandon, turning the circular gate into an ellipse, and finally a sphere. Malfread drew his sword, walking purposefully into the very center of the maelstrom. The time traveller raised his odd-looking, golden sword over his head. With a loud pop, the portal was drawn into the weapon's wide blade. A beam of golden light stabbed upward, striking the ceiling, where it turned back toward the three devices placed around the floor. A pyramid of golden light formed over Malfread's head, and the whine of energy intensified, until the others in the Tavern had to cover their ears. As the wizard stood motionless, holding his sword aloft, the flickering of the light outside began to slow. The throbbing whine kept time with the light flashing outside, as it slowed, and then stopped. The scene outside stabilized, the familiar streets of Phantasia appearing through the windows. But the light seemed to fade, as if the sun was setting. Malfread lowered his sword, sighing tiredly. P'lair looked around herself at the bar. "Are we back?" Brandon stared out the door. "Was it dark when you left?" The elf lady glanced at Brandon, and then in the direction he was looking. "No, it was midday..." Brandon held up a hand, looking at the door, not at the elf. "Uh... Pardon me. I think..." He paused a moment, still staring at the darkness outside. "I'll be right back." The fighter strode across the bar, pushing open the swinging doors. As he looked down the street, his gaze seemed to rise upward, further and further, and then he stepped backward, as if dazed. "S***!" He yelled. "Glimithar! To me!" At the bar, his huge, six foot battle axe suddenly burst with a brilliant blue light. It leapt across the room, seeking out its wielder's hand like a missile. Right behind it, Malfread shoved through the doors, drawing up short as he saw what Brandon was looking at. "A Wanderer! It must have been drawn in behind us!" The city was gone, replaced by a spreading blackness, curling out over the terrain from a point several yards away. There, a wierd, otherwordly form dominated the skyline. "I have just one thing to say:" Rav'oth said, coming up behind Malfread. "... Yuck!" It was a pulsing, shapeless mass, made up of thousands of smaller parts -- globes and blocks and triangular shapes, all whirling and merging into one another. It rose several stories toward the sky, its semitransparent body revealing only parts of the landscape behind it. Its tendrils reached out in all directions, sucking up the light and substance of everything around it. Trapped within the vortex of the creature's body, three women writhed in torment, their bodies distorted and skewed where the creature passed through them. The closest was a tall, muscular woman with long, white hair, glowing brightly with yellow light. As she pulsed with light, the tendril wrapped around her sucked up the glow, making itself more solid, and passing the flash of yellow up toward the monster's body. Despite her agony, the woman still clutched a weapon, a sword, a blade of perfectly transparent crystal. Though the creature wrapped several tendrils around it, the woman refused to let go. The light seemed to flow from her, into the sword, and then out into the creature. Muttering a curse in a language you do not know, Malfread lowered his own golden sword at the creature. A shaft of light shot forth, golden light in a beam as wide at the wierd sword's blade. It went only a few feet, however, before the energy winked out, fading away to nothing. The creature reacted quickly, shooting out a tendril. The wizard raised his sword in a blocking gesture, but cried out in pain as the tendril struck his sword. The opaque mass wrapped around the golden blade, and began drawing pulses of gold into itself. Malfread doubled over, but then steeled himself, thrusting his sword forward, as an aura enveloped its blade. Slowly, the tendril was forced away from the blade. Although still holding the weapon, the tendril stopped its draining. Breathing hard, sweat forming on his forehead, Malfread glanced at Brandon. "It's no use," he said. "The Renegade is too weak here. I can't... raise the power... to dispel it." Brandon raised his axe above his head, holding it in both hands, at the head, and at the grip. The blue glow enveloped its head, and suddenly the rocks leaped from the ground, throwing themselves at the monster. Nearby, a tree ripped itself out of the ground, flying off after them. "It's no good!" Malfread yelled, as the missiles bounced off the enourmous creature. He doubled over again, grimacing in pain, as the creature again clutched at his sword. "It's not part of this Universe! It's not fully here!" Brandon ignored him, however, keeping up the assault. Behind him, stepping out the door, Kalgon began a chant. "Your weapons can't harm it," Malfread said, but suddenly his sword flared with light. He looked down at it, as the light faded away, but the creature had let go, it's tendril recoiling from the light. "That's it! By working together, you're collapsing Phantasia's time lines!" Malfread grabbed Brandon's shoulder. "You've got to concentrate your attacks with the others." He turned to the others. "You've all got to attack the Wanderer! What you do, how you do it, does not matter. Just everyone attack at once!" Rav'oth's eyes danced with red flame, as a smile crept across his face. "It has has been a while since I have really been able to really cut loose..." The Drow elf raised his arms in a crossing gesture, two dark gems suddenly appearing in his hands. A cluster of fireballs, in a diamond formation, shot across the distance to the creature, burying themselves deep inside it. An eruption of fire blazed forth from a point deep inside the creature's opaque body, but Rav'oth's spell didn't seem to harm it. Still, the space around the creature seemed to brighten, becoming clearer, as if a succession of scenes were being collapsed into one. "That should collapse a few timelines," Rav'oth whispered. Malfread glanced at Rav'oth, with a smile, and a nod. "You are indeed perceptive, dark one." He concentrated, holding his sword up against the assaults of the Wanderer. "Just a little more..." He gasped, as a tendril made contact. "A little more!" P'lair meanwhile, had rushed at the towering monster, and was just now drawing near. She closed in on the creature quickly, too quickly, almost. It seemed to be growing as she neared, filling her field of view. Tendrils of translucent chaos whipped out towards her, forcing her to leap and dodge the attacks. P'lair's brightly glowing sword rose in an arc as she came in range, drawing close to the mountain of a monster. She plunged her sword into the creature, and it stuck there, as if the monster's body were made of a sticky ooze. The light of the Wanderer flickered for a moment as P'lair's sheer mass seemed to grow. Then, an inhuman scream was unleashed from the Dark Knight, as she tried vainly to pull away from the Celestial Creature. Tendrils began to wrap around P'lair's blade, and snake outward, toward the elven warrior. As P'lair screamed in agony, a figure cloaked in shadows leapt out of nowhere, and kicked P'lair lose from the sword. The figure turned on the Wanderer, leaving P'lair's unconscious body on the ground. In the time it took for the eye to blink two scimitars appeared in the shadowy figure's hands and slashed at the Wanderer. Rav'oth smiled grimly, as he glanced at Malfread. "A little more, eh?" He glanced over at Brandon, who still stood with his axe over his head, his feet wide apart. The very earth seemed to be leaping upward, to attack the creature, from the point where Brandon stood. P'lair's rescuer slashed at the wall of the creature's side, not letting it get a grip on the two scimitars. As the attacks cut into the strange, gelatinous matter, the blades seemed to bend and distort. They looked unharmed by the treatment -- but then, the Wanderer seemed unharmed, as well. The figure continued to unleash it's fury with blows that would normally kill. Tendrils slithered their way around the newcomer's waist and wrists, but in an instant he vanished, blinking a few yards further along the creature. "Looks like you have it," continued Rav'oth, then smiled widely and unsettlingly, "And then some...!" Rav'oth held his arms out to his sides, with his cloak hanging along them, and two katana seem to form from the shadows around him. The sky darkened further, taking on the aspects of twilight. The shadows around Rav'oth began to writhe and twist, as shadowy black flames sprang from the blades of the katana and spread to immolate his entire body. Rav'oth's eyes vanished behind the red light that spilled from his sockets. His body seemed to blend into the twilight as he lifted off the ground, floating free. Only the glow of his eyes truly marked Rav'oth's position in the air. A wordless song drifted back on the breeze on which Rav'oth appeared, almost, to be dancing. He moved easily from tendril to tendril, as the creature reached for him. Long streams of Eldrich Darkfire licked from the tips of Rav'oth's swords, cutting into the gigantic creature. Bits of it seemed to fall to the ground below Rav'oth, tiny blobs of clear goo, that instantly melted away to nothing. For just a moment, the enourmous beast continued to drain away the very stuff of the Universe. Malfread strained to hold his sword aloft, against the grip of the creature's tendrils. Then, without warning, there was, for a moment, a glimpse of layer upon layer of realities... a convergence of universes, just out of step with one another, all in this one place and time. "Now!" The golden sword flared with light, bathing the worlds around it in its hue, and then there was only one. The blinding light drove the tendrils of chaos back, out of range, and then Malfread swung his sword in an arc, leveling it at a point high on the Wanderer's face. A shaft of gold lanced forth, slicing through the air, towards the white haired woman trapped within the monster's powerful grip. The Wanderer roared with fury as the beam slashed through it, cutting its captive free. The warrioress dropped like a stone, from the high summit of the creature's enourmous bulk. Tendrils tried to grasp at her, but missed, as the woman continued to fall, limp and unmoving, toward the ground far below. "Morgwaine!" Brandon yelled. "Glimithar, grab her!" "I can't!" answered the weapon, its silver voice strained. "I'm out of power!" "I thought you had enough left!" "So did I!" "It's the time protraction!" cut in Malfread. "Time is a relative term here... Now that I've collapsed the time lines, Glimithar's used up his charges!" "Then its up to you..." Malfread nodded. "Ironic, isn't it..." The golden beam again sprang from his sword, as he aimed it at Morgwaine's falling body. It struck her unerringly. For a moment, it seemed to have no effect, but then, slowly, the woman's path began to curve. She slowed, and landed some feet away, rolling across the ground to cushion her impact. Morgwaine forced herself up on her hands and knees, moaning, as Malfread charged over to her. He blocked a few tendrils from the Wanderer, with a single slice from his sword. "Get up! We don't have much time!" Indeed, Malfread's actions seemed to have infuriated the monster. It reached out in all directions at once, redoubling its efforts to consume all around it. P'lair and her partner could no longer be seen, and even Brandon and Rav'oth were caught, lifted into the air as the Wanderer wrapped its tendrils around them. Malfread slashed at the tendrils, only barely keeping the Wanderer away. With agonizing slowness, Morgwaine pulled herself to her feet. Finally, she managed to raise her crystal sword, and drive the assault away with Crystal's yellow light. "Can you do this?" Malfread asked. Morgwaine glanced at him. "I needed the Guardian's help before. I will need your Guardian now." "I don't know. This universe weakens him." Morgwaine closed her eyes, tiredly. "We have no choice." The two humans raised both arms over their heads, pointing their swords skyward. Their light began to grow, gold and yellow, becoming beacons of brilliant color, centered on the two swords. The wizard let go of his sword first, and then Morgwaine followed suit, spreading her arms wide. The swords floated in the air, suspended. Darkness seemed to close in around them, as all else faded into oblivion, but Malfread and Morgwaine still stood, bathed in the circle of light. A faint, glittering grid of silvery lines seemed to appear from the nothingness around them, but then even that began to fade. The Renegade disappeared from view, becoming a glowing ball of energy. Morgwaine's crystal sword remained stubbornly solid, but her light continued to grow brighter. Morgwaine herself began to glow, with the yellow brilliance of a sun, until it was not clear what was her light, and what was Crystal's. As one, the two humans lowered their arms at the Wanderer. Twin beams, of yellow and gold, blasted forth, enveloping the enourmous creature. The Renegade reappeared in the beam, riding it into the monster's body. Morgwaine's sword also rode its beam, slamming into the Wanderer in the exact same spot. At that point, a tiny, shimmering spot of silver appeared. It spread slowly, too slowly, across the massive bulk of the Wanderer. The field spread over the monster's body, drawing the creature into itself. Then, just as the silver energy covered the Wanderer's enourmous form, it closed, with an inrush of air. Everything was as it was before. The city moved busily with the traffic of the day, and Rav'oth, P'lair, and the others stood, unharmed, in the street out front. Malfread glanced down at his empty hands. "Of course," he said, sadly. "I should have known he could not stay." Morgwaine stared at him for a moment. Oddly, her expression was one of compassion... and pity. * * * * * A single figure sat in an infinity of empty darkness. She huddled against the cold nothingness, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs. "Hello, Morgwaine," the wizard said. "Lord Sysop," Morgwaine said, without looking up. "It's all my fault." "Your fault?" "The Wanderer. It was drawn to me. It was drawn to my energy. I should never have come here." "What, because you're one with a Guardian? On the contrary. It's been a lot of help to have one of you here." "You don't understand." Morgwaine looked up. "I can't control it. I can't even run my OWN time line. I've been robbed... of everything I was. When the Dark Lord imprisoned me here, in this woman, he made me mortal. I am not what I was before." "And I am not what *I* was before." "But you are not a Guardian." Morgwaine stood, putting a hand to her forehead, as she walked away from Lord Sysop. "I know what this place is now. I thought at first that you might be a Guardian, but I see now... you are a mortal, just like me." She grinned, just a little, as she turned around. "I've been in literary universes before. It's not easy to penetrate those barriers, but I've been in books, and stories, and... what do they call them? Mo-shun pictures?" "Phantasia, though... it's more than just a good story. You're not the only writer. There are..." she sighed, "hundreds of Guardians here, hundreds of Lord Sysops, all working together to create this place. That's why the strange protraction here. Each creator has his own point of view, his own time line, just a little different from everyone else's." Lord Sysop nodded. "That's why I set up this place. So that those who have the magic -- those who create universes -- can come together, and share them." "And now I've destroyed it." Morgwaine spread her arms wide, at the darkness around her. Lord Sysop harumphed. "I created it once. I can create it again. This is nothing." Morgwaine shook her head, turning away again. "As long as I am here, your world will always be in danger. As long as I hold a Guardian within me -- the creator of a 'real' universe -- the Wanderers will return. That is their job, to destroy universes that have no Guardians, to return them to the chaos from which they came." "And is that such a crime?" Lord Sysop shrugged. "Nothing lasts forever, certainly not literature. You think I don't know what happens to books that don't get read... to stories that aren't told any more? I don't expect this to last forever." "No. But I'm attracting them. I'm drawing the destruction here before its time." Morgwaine held up a hand. "I must leave. You can't change my mind." "But you HAVE been of help to me. A lot of help." Morgwaine walked over to the wizard, smiling, as she looked him in the eye. "Thanks... Before I go, I want to give you something." Morgwaine held out her hand. There was a glowing ball of yellow in her palm. "I do not have much power now, but I am growing. Right now, my time line is vague, half formed..." She looked down. "... since I do not have the strength to shape it." She looked back up. "But because of that, I could imbue your world with some of my energy... in effect, make your universe part of mine. It wouldn't be enough to attract Wanderers, but it might be enough to keep this place going... in the face of the changes that are threatening it." "And maybe someday..." Morgwaine placed the glowing ball in Lord Sysop's hand, closing it. "When I'm strong enough... Maybe I'll be able to make this a REAL universe." Morgwaine grinned. "As if my universe is any more 'real' than any other..." The two figures faded away, leaving only darkness.